Friday, April 26, 2013

Images for Final Critique

Altered Landscapes



Incoming Transmission

Lighting the Path


Obliteration of Photograph as Memory

I Don't Remember The Date (X)

I Don't Remember The Date (Y)

I Don't Remember The Date (Z)

Primary Response
The Sound


Dark to Light

Altered Landscape

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 12 Reading Assignment

1) In Lightroom, simply drag the images in the collection you are showing into the order you wish them to be.

2) McGinley is drawn to and inspired by youthful nudity and androgyny because

3) He grew up with seven older siblings who raised him, and the subjects in his photos remind him of those siblings and the way they looked to him when he was very young.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Week 11 Reading

1) A watermark is an image or text embedded into a photograph for the express purpose of rendering that photograph unusable for commercial purposes or plagiarism (thus forcing the party wishing to use that photo to purchase the rights to using it from the photographer to get a non-watermarked version)

2) The Publish Services Panel allows for easy exportation of images to various social media websites, saving the user time compared to uploading the images through these sites themselves.

3) Lux and Gutschow are both essentially constructing something of a "real" reality in their work (in so far as setting goes), but the works are just "off" enough to give the impression that there is something very not real about them.  In Lux's work, the backgrounds appear real enough, but are actually often paintings with the photograph of her subject transposed onto them (with crisp edges more reminiscent of Medieval paintings than anything in the realm of photography).  Gutschow digitally combines dozens of photos into landscape scenes that are composed like traditional landscape paintings.  There is an evenness to the light that occurs in painting as well, where not all objects are technically using a unified light source.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 10 Reading

1) His stated reasons are that little has been done (in his estimation) with nighttime in photography, and that there is a quietness and serenity to the night that he wants to reproduce in his work.

2) Compact flourescents will not turn your Trusty White Diffusion T into a big flaming torch the way incandescent bulbs (which produce insane amounts of heat) will.

3) Direct flash produces both hideous shadows and tends to blow out highlights, making really flat and terrible images.  Diffusing the light, or bouncing your flash off of a ceiling or wall, tends to produce more naturalistic lighting and a much better image to work from.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week 9 Reading Quiz

1) Using the print module's Custom Picture Package, one can import multiple images into a new document (that can be saved to JPEG format after assembly) and change their size and layout.

2) When you control-click on  particular image in the print module, you have the option to Send Backwards or Send Forwards that image, essentially adjusting which layer the image appears on.

3) Pedro uses digital processes to recreate memories of his life as he remembers them, and in a way that traditional analog photography does not (at least for him).

4) He defines our collective notion of "straight documentation" as narrowly established by trends in aesthetics and technology, and maintains that in the grander scheme of history this notion of what is currently considered visual documentation is fleeting, and that his work will eventually be considered as fitting into the contemporary notion of straight documentation.